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If you’ve got any Apple products, you can thank Human Centered Design for making them so good.


Human Centered Design is a creative approach to problem solving that does…guess what? put people at the center of the design solution. Think about great products that work super well—doesn’t it seem like they can anticipate what you need them to do? Don’t they work in a way that illuminates a way for you to innovate rather than continue to adjust your life in order to make the products work?

Let’s look at Frank Lloyd Wright—visionary designer, not a people person. And as a visionary designer, he loved his designs more than he respected the people who would be living in them. now, this isn’t a social commentary on how or what FLW should have done with his work, what is it saying is that he wouldn’t have been the guy to design the iphone.

so back to human centered design—this is a simple thought process that works in three stages: empathize, ideate and execute. We’re using these phasing in Morning Salon to help our presenters (the one’s with the opportunity or the problem to solve) gather ideas and pathways to solutions that can have them bust out of ‘stuckness” and supercharge their new found freedom to create even better things that serve the up and coming sustainable economy.

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