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WIIFM? Morning Salon and why helping someone is helping yourself.


If that isn’t enough, here’s the Top 10 reasons to participate in the Morning Salons.I get questions about Morning Salon that sound like this

one: If I’m not presenting, why should I even show up to Morning Salons? Valid question if you are thinking that you’ve only got something to lose when you help someone else with their issue. I’d like to suggest that the mindset of those participating in Morning Salon is this one: “when I help someone else, I am also helping myself.” How about this one “the more you put into something, the more you get out.”

I simply believe that when you help someone else succeed this very act of generosity will in turn, make you a success yourself.

If that’s not enough, here’s a great book that will help you understand that its in your own best interest and the interest of others if you help someone. Named one of the best books of 2013 by Amazon, The Wall Street Journal and the Financial Times, “Give and Get” by Adam Grant (no promotional fees received for this recommendation— see I’m just giving. I don’t know what I’ll get in return but that’s fine) spells out how your own deep success is tied with the success of others.

Here’s the Top 10 WIIFM Reasons to Participate in Morning Salons:

1. You could hear a solution to an intractible problem.

2. Morning Salons are filled with dynamic, engaged, super smart people. It’s networking on steriods (except you get to meet people you’d really like to meet, make friends and do business with). You could meet someone—a new client, a new friend who knows?

3. You can hear authentic and real stories from presenters who are grappling with opportunities, problems and conundrums just like you, and they may tell you how they broke through their barriers to achieve difficult goals.

4. You can gather new resources to help you with your business.

5. Seating is curated so you won’t be sitting next to the competition.

6. Meeting people who have already self-selected to participate in the Morning Salons feels a lot like a “warm call” instead of a cold call.

7. Morning Salons are built on an ethos. Those who believe in the ethos, just like you, are already sitting next to you.

8. Have an opportunity to share your great ideas and help move some great people, ideas, and projects to the next level.

9. Court the unexpected and the unusual. Morning Salons are filled with surprising people and opportunities.

10. Smash silo’ed thinking and bring joy and verve to your life through listening and sharing while helping yourself and others..

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